Saturday, 14 May 2011

Stephanie Meyer imagination on "Twilight Saga" Characters :))

"In Borders today - bookstore in Parrammatta" ~
Both Kyo and I came across a "Twilight book or something" that have "Stephanie Meyer image/character designs to the "Twilight Saga - Characters" - I have to say 'It is much better than the Movie (how the actors was chosen - especially Edward Cullen played by Robert Pattinson - Poor me, poor Edward, I dont like have anything against Robert Pattinson (I guess the way how he is 'offscreen and everytime i see him on magazines or interview - he just appear to be 'Very messy' and in time i just end up not liking him.. - Because for 'Edward Cullen' - when i am reading - 'Robert Pattinson' was not initially my thought/imagination of Edward Cullen (or how he should look like)- i guess 'the character Edward is JUST too good/perfect to be/act..  x_x. But after looking at the designs/sketches - Stephanie Meyer's imagination was almost 'as clear to how i imagine it, 'most characters though - but i guess the only one i didnt like was 'Carlisle, Alice, and Renesme" which was different to how i imagine (but everyone have their own imaginations when reading it - so thats ok). BUT got to say "Bella / Edward/ and especially Jasper - he was HOT <3 hahahah 'Looks good!' looks better than 'Jackson Rathbone' - again i dont hate the actor 'Jackson Rathbone' but Stephanie Meyer 'just bring the image back for me hahhaha'.

  Here are some of the shots which i took from my Iphone today :)


1 comment:

  1. sooo rite abt robert pattision.....even i don't like him offscreen.....but esme/renesmee/emmet r just the way i imagined them..... OOh yes...n jasper in the sketch looks any day better then Jackson Rathbone...(no offence).....:P
